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Animal protection and health inspection office
Animal protection and health inspection office

Brief Introduction



Based on the Organization Regulations of Taiwan Livestock Disease Control Centers, Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Center was established to prevent livestock epidemics from breaking out and spreading. In recent years, the high population density in Taichung, the dramatic growth of pet-keeping, and the increasing demand for livestock products and protein have made the epidemic prevention and livestock product examination urgent missions to achieve.

Recently, FMD(Foot and Mouth Disease) has greatly endangered economic animals, such as swine's and herbivores, and made a tremendous loss to the breeders. Thus, extinguishment of the epidemic is also regarded as an important task to us.

After the Animal Protection Act was promulgated, animal protection and pet registration have also become part of our tasks which all our staff will strive to accomplish.




1. September 1957: Employed 10 livestock disease control specialists and established a disease control team.

2. June 1963: Established “Taichung City Livestock Disease Control Institute” based on the Organization Regulations of Taiwan Livestock Disease Control Centers, responsible for livestock hygiene maintenance.

3. February 1966: Reformed as Taichung Livestock Disease Control Center according to the amendments of the Organization Regulations of Taiwan Livestock Disease Control Centers.


4. December 1986: The Organization Regulations of Taiwan Livestock Disease Control Centers was amended by the Provincial Government again and added Aquatic Animal Disease Control to our domain.

5. March 1992: According to the No. 24503 Amendment issued by the Provincial Government on March 27, 1992, two subsections and the post of Subsection Chief were set up to form a sound organization.

6. July 1997: With expansion of the organization and a large amount of instruments, the office was moved to the current location in July 1997.

7. March 2000: Further amendments were made under orders, Taichung Livestock Disease Control Center was reformed as the Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Center organized by three sections. The post of Subsection Chief was changed to Section Chief; the third section and Animal Rescue Division were established for a sound organization.

8. March 2001: Taichung City Public Health Bureau distributed five veterinarians to serve in our office, and the post of technical specialist was set up to handle the administration.

9. February 2007: Modify the organizational rules as Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Center.

10. December 25, 2011: Taichung County and Taichung City Were merged. Modify the organizational rules as Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office.

11. November 14, 2013:Added the Animal' life Etiquette Section.

12. November 4, 2016:Added the Animal Protection Inspection Section. Reorganization Porcine Diseases Prevention & Animal Diseases Identification Section.

13. October 2017:Added the Section of Animal Husbandry.  Revised the Section of animal protection to Section of Animal Protection Industry management. Abolished the Section of Pet's Life Etiquette.

14. June 2019:Abolished the Section of Animal Husbandry.


  • Data update: 2024-02-02
  • Publish Date : 2012-10-23
  • Source: Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office
  • Hit Count: 6088