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Our Services

Service item  Fees and information
  needed for services 
Responsible unit Deadline Remarks
Pet registration 

1.Owner's personal identification documents 

2. Microchipping: NT$300

3. Pet registration fee: 
 Already spayed or neutered pets:NT$500 
 Pets that have not yet been spayed or neutered: NT$1000(the registration fee for dogs and cats of residents of Taichung City has been reduced to NT$0 for spayed/neutered animals and NT$100 for not yet spayed/neutered animals)

4.Bring pet for on-site application

Animal   Protection Industry Management Section  or Contact the city's contracted pet registration stations :04-25588024

1.First come first served

2.Registration fees have been required since December 1, 1999.

Handled in accordance with pet registration  management regulations  

Subsidies to city residents for dog and cat spay and neuter

1.Written application
2. Owner's ID document (owner must be an adult)
3. City residents who apply in person must bring a photocopy of the cover of the owner's bank account passbook.
4. Pet registration certificate
5. Limited to owners who are city residents with a registered residence in Taichung City and are raising a dog or cat at a location within Taichung City.

Animal Protection Industry Management Section or contact an animal hospital performing spay/neuter surgery under contract to Taichung City:04-25588024

First come first served Handled in accordance with Animal Protection Act and pet registration  management regulations

Pet business permit
1. Written application 
2. Permit fee: NT$2000
Animal Protection Industry Management Section
A review of documents and on-site inspection will be performed within 14  days of receipt of application Handled in Specific pet industry management regulations
Exhibition/performing animal business license application  1. Written application 
2. Payment of guarantee in accordance with Article 5 of the Exhibition and Performing Animal Business Establishment and Management Regulations
Animal Protection
 Industry Management Section
A review of documents and on-site inspection will be performed within 28  days of receipt of application Exhibition and Performing Animal Business Establishment and Management  Regulations
Claiming household dogs and cats  1. Owner's ID card and pet registration 
2. Daily management fee of NT$200 for claimed
3. Microchipping: NT$300
4. Pet registration is free for spayed and neutered pets; and NT$100 for pets that have not yet been spayed or neutered 
5. Free rabies vaccination
Animal Shelter Section
Taichung Animal Shelter Nantun campus

No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City
First come first served during times announced by the Animal Shelter Handled in accordance with the Pet Registration  Management and Profit-Seeking Pet Breeding and sale or Boarding Management Fee Collection Standards
Stray dog and cat adoption 1. Owner's ID card
2. Microchipping: free 
3. Pet registration: free 
4. Free rabies vaccination

Animal Shelter Section

Taichung Animal
Shelter Nantun campus

No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City

Houli Animal Shelter (address: 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung City) 04-25588024

First come first served during times announced by the Animal Shelter

Handled in accordance with the Pet Registration Management Regulations, and the Pet Registration Management and Commercial Pet Breeding for Sale and Boarding Industry Management Fee Standards.

Incentive programs encouraging do adoption are handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

Do not wish to  continue to keep a dog or cat 
1. Taichung city resident owner's ID card
2. Pet registration 
3. Bring dog in person to apply for service 
4. Must use this Office's pet adoption website to look for an adopting party; only after no one has been found to adopt the dog after 60 days, the original owner may bring the dog to a shelter to complete discontinuation of raising

Animal Shelter Section

Taichung Animal  Shelter Nantun campus
(address:No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City)

Houli Animal Shelter (address: 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung City) 04-25588024

First come first served during times announced by the Animal Shelter

Handled in accordance with the Animal Protection Act.

Dog-catching 1. Applications may be made by telephone, mail, or comment mailbox  
2. Limited to Taichung districts
3. Service phone: 04-23814978
Animal Shelter Section Service will be provided in the order applications are accepted

Handled in accordance with the Animal Protection Act and Taichung City Stray Dog Precision Capture Standard Operating Procedures.

Emergency rescue of dogs and cats not in distress 1. Telephone notification 
2. Limited to Taichung districts
3. Service phone: 04-23850949 (please dial 1999 during non-working hours)  
Animal Shelter Section

Taichung Animal  Shelter Nantun campus

No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City
Immediate action after notification received

Handled in accordance with the Animal Protection Act and Taichung City Distressed Animal Assistance and Rescue Standard Operating Procedures

Animal rabies vaccination

1. Contracted animal hospitals in Taichung have been contracted to perform this service (fees are collected according to the Taichung Veterinary Medical Association's fee collection standards). 
2. If an owner wishes to receive vaccination at this Office, please make a prior reservation by calling 04-23869420 #517. (the vaccination fee is NT$140 per animal)
3. Vaccination announcement

Animal hospitals in Taichung City contracted to give rabies vaccination or contact the Animal Drug Management Section at 04-23869420#571 First come first served

Handled in accordance with the Infectious Animal Disease Prevention and Control Act and preventive vaccination announcements.

Incentive programs for rabies vaccination are handled in accordance with their regulations.

Retrieve dogs and cats 1. Written application 
2. An emergency assistance and rescue fee of NT$1,000 if an animal requiring assistance is held

Animal Shelter Section Nantun Animal Shelter (address: 601 Zhongtai Rd., Nantun District, Taichung City) 04-23850949

Houli Animal Shelter (address: 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung City) 04-25588024

An on-site review will be performed within 14 days of receiving an application Handled in accordance with the Animal Drug Seller Management Regulations
Permit for the Sale of Veterinary Drugs

1. Written application 

2.Certificate Fee:NT$1000

Animal Drug Administration Section


Handled in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Animal Drug Trades

Veterinarian business license  1. Written application 
2. Must first become a member of the Taichung Veterinary Medical Association; applications will be accepted after being forwarded by the association.
3. Business opening permit fee: NT$2000 
4. Business license fee: NT$1500
5. Veterinarian or veterinary medicine certificate 
6. 2" photo of applicant
Animal Drug Administration Section
Review within 6 days after receiving an application from the Taichung Veterinary Medical Association Handled in accordance with Enforcement Rules For Law Governing Veterinarians
Veterinarian cross-district veterinarian service approval

1. Written application 

2. Attach activity plan (invitation letter, letter of appointment, contract, etc.)


Animal Drug Administration Section
Review and approval will be performed within 6 working days after receipt of application Handled in accordance with the Veterinarian Act
Livestock and poultry disease appraisal inspection  On-site application Pig contagious  disease prevention and immunization Section
3-7 days Handled in accordance with the Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease
Exported bird health certificate  Written application Herbivore and Poultry Disease Prevention Section
14 days Handled in accordance with the Bird Export Producing Area Quarantine Regulations
Aquaculture animal disease appraisal and water quality inspection  Written or phone application Pig contagious disease prevention and immunization Section
3-7 days Handled in accordance with the Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease
Dairy cattle (goat)  tuberculosis and brucellosis inspection  This Office will schedule a time and perform inspection Herbivore and Fowl Diseases Prevention Section 


1.Testing is performed regularly once each year.

2.Handled in accordance with the Infectious Animal Disease Prevention and Control Act.

Pet carcass disposal

1. Owner's personal identification documents 

2.Letter of authorization (when performed by a person who is not the owner on the pet registration certificate, the person must present a letter of authorization from the pet microchip owner and photocopies of front and back of both parties' ID documents.)

3.Legal persons or pet businesses must attach their registration certificates and the responsible person's ID card.(If not the responsible person, a letter of authorization and the ID card of the responsible person must be attached.)

4.The body of the pet and the cremation application.

5.Pet registration information.

6.Pet cremation fees:

  • NT$250 per animal when less than 5kg.

  • NT$50 per kilogram per animal when over 5kg. (each additional increment of less than 1kg is calculated as 1kg)
  • Residents of Taichung City with a pet registration certificate (÷2)
  • Non-residents of Taichung City with no pet registration certificate (x2)

Animal lndustry Management Division

After making a reservation by phone, bring the body of the pet to Taichung Animal Shelter for cremation.

Commissioned cremation times:Monday through Friday (10:00-12:00 a.m., 1:30-4:00 p.m.), except on public holidays.

Taichung Animal  Shelter Nantun campus
(address:No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City)

Houli Animal Shelter (address: 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung City) 04-25588024



1. Handled in Taichung Autonomous Statute on Pet Carcass Disposal and Pet Life Memorial Service Management
2. Taichung pet carcass incineration fee collection standards

Consumer disputes involving pet businesses

1.Purchase verification document or evidence.


Animal Protection Industry Management Section, 04-25588024#513


Handled within 8 days after receiving online application letter forwarded by the city government.


Handled in accordance with the Taichung City Autonomous Consumer Protection Statute.

Consumer complaint mediation from the Legal Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government

Reporting of dogs and cats exempt from spay/neuter requirements

Written application (signed by applicant)

1.Mail to 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung 408

2. Fax to 04-25581480

3.E-Mail to:g6000@taichung.gov.tw

Animal Protection Industry Management Section 04-25588024  Handled on the spot Handled in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 8 of the Animal Protection Act
Borrowing live traps for cats 1.Written application required

2.Limited to residents of Taichung City

3.ID card of resident of Taichung City

Animal Shelter Section (601 Zhongtai Road)  

Residents who require a live trap should call the Taichung City Animal Shelter (TEL:04-23814978) to register the loan.


Handled in accordance with the Taichung City Live Trap Loan Management Regulations.

Sending Love Home Service

1.Must have completed dog or cat adoption procedures at an animal shelter.

2.Delivery location: Chiefly administrative districts of Taichung City. If it is wished to deliver an animal to a neighboring county or city (Nantou, Miaoli, or Changhua), please contact Animal Shelter personnel in charge of the Sending Love Home Service program.


Taichung Animal  Shelter Nantun campus
(address:No.601,Chung Tai Rd.,Nantun Dist.,Taichung City)

Houli Animal Shelter (address: 370 Tifang Rd., Houli District, Taichung City) 04-25588024


Time and date of delivery: Delivery will be arranged by this Office for a time between Monday and Friday; the applicant will be notified by phone 1 day prior to delivery.


After dog or cat adoption procedures have been completed, if the adopter has no suitable vehicle or cage to transport the animal, the adopter may submit an application to this Office to apply for transport service.

Animal missing/found registration

1.Online registration

2.Not limited to residents of Taichung City

3.Must provide information concerning the pet (ideally a photograph)

Animal Shelter Section:04-23850949 Information will be posted for 6 months.  
Pet placed for adoption registration

1.Online registration

2.Not limited to residents of Taichung City

3.Must provide information concerning the pet (ideally a photograph)

Animal Shelter Section:04-23850949  

Information will be posted for 3 months.

Pet adoption registration

1.Online registration

2.Not limited to residents of Taichung City

 Animal Shelter Section:04-23850949 Information will be posted for 3 months.  
Announcement encouraging adoption-Inquiries concerning adoption matters

1.Online registration

2.Not limited to residents of Taichung City

Animal Shelter Section:04-23850949  5days  
Consumer disputes involving animal hospitals

1.Consumer proof or evidence


Animal Protection Industry Management Section, 04-25588024#513  

Handled within 8 days after receiving online application letter forwarded by the city government.

 Handled in accordance with the Taichung City Autonomous Consumer Protection Statute.
Pet life remembrance service business license application 1. Photocopy of applicant's ID document (if not a natural person, please provide a photocopy of the establishment registration verification document)

2. If the applicant is not a natural person, a photocopy of the responsible person's ID document.

3. Qualifications documents of full-time staff.

4. Company/business license document (either one), reservation document, registration transcript/photocopy, public notification materials.

5. Name and address of place of business, location map showing area, floorplan, and explanation of facilities.

6. Transcript of land registration for pet life remembrance service location.

7. Transcript of cadastral map showing scope of pet life remembrance service location marked in color.

8. Photocopy of building use license/building transcript.

9. If the land and building comprising the place of business is not the property of the responsible person alone, document verifying lawful use.

10. Business regulations

11. Original pet life remembrance service license

12. Photocopies of startup business plan and verifying document approved by the central competent authority.

13. Explanation of subsequent arrangements if the business cannot continue to operate due to closure, termination of business, or other reasons, and handling affidavit.

14. Pet body cremation equipment (including secondary combustion chamber) and annotated drawings of air pollution prevention equipment.

15. Application for change of items-attach document verifying changes.

16. License fee: NT$2,000

Animal Protection Industry Management Section, 04-25588024#134  Document review and on-site investigation will be completed within 28 days after receiving application.  

Handled in accordance with the Taichung Autonomous Statute on Pet Carcass Disposal and Pet Life Memorial Service Management , Taichung Pet Life Remembrance Service Business Management Regulations,  and Taichung Pet Life Remembrance Service License Fee Standards.


Application for permission to use funeral and interment land on non-urban land for the scattering of pet ashes

1. Photocopy of applicant's ID document; if a legal person, please provide a photocopy of the legal person's registration verification document.

2. Business proposal for the pet ashes scattering area.

3. Land registration transcript from the most recent month; a physical transcript is not required when an application for an online transcript can be made.

4. Transcript of cadastral map of land from the most recent month; a physical transcript is not required when an application for an online transcript can be made.

5. Layout map of garden area; scale may be no smaller than 1:1,200.

6. Schematic diagram of location.

7. Agreement giving permission for the scattering of pet ashes from the owner of the land where the park is located.

8. Application for permission to use funeral and interment land on non-urban land for the scattering of pet ashes
 Animal Protection Industry Management Section, 04-25588024#134  

Document review and on-site investigation will be completed within 60 days after receiving application.


Handled in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Utilization Control of Non-Urban Land and Enforcement Guidelines for the Use Permission of Non-Urban Land.


  • Data update: 2024-12-06
  • Publish Date : 2018-01-16
  • Source: Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office
  • Hit Count: 8764