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The Taichung City Government Animal Protection Consultation Committee Installation Guideline

Taichung City Government Animal Protection Advisory Committee Establishment Guidelines


The full text of twelve points were promulgated per the Taichung City Government May 8, 2006 directive, Ref. Authorization Protection number 0950090429

The partial amendment of point five, point six and point twelve inducted per the Taichung City Government May 31, 2007 directive, Ref. Authorization Animal Protection number 0960122044

The partial amendment of point three was inducted per the Taichung City Government January 17, 2008 directive, Ref. Authorization Animal Protection number 0970015848

Per the Taichung City Government February 15, 2011 directive, Ref. Authorization Agriculture Animal Protection No. 1000027147

Per the Taichung City Government May 27, 2013 directive, Ref. Authorization Government People Planning No. 1020093748

Per the Taichung City Government February 4, 2015 directive, Ref. Authorization Government People Planning No. 1040027617

Per the Taichung City Government June 25, 2015 directive, Ref. Authorization Government People Planning No. 1040142773

Per the Taichung City Government March 18, 2019 directive, Ref. Authorization Government People Planning No. 1080060694 

I. Taichung City Government ("this Government") has established the Taichung City Government Animal Protection Advisory Committee ("this Committee") in order to promote respect for animals' lives and to protect animals, and has drafted these Guidelines.

II. The mission of this Committee is to perform consulting and provide recommendations concerning animal protection measures in Taichung City.

III. This Committee shall have one chairperson, which position shall be filled on a concurrent basis by the deputy mayor, and shall have one deputy chairperson, which position shall be filled on a concurrent basis by the bureau chief of the Agriculture Bureau of Taichung City Government; the remaining 19 persons on this Committee shall be assigned or hired by this Government to serve on a part-time basis:
(1) One person representing the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
(2) One person representing the Education Bureau, Taichung City Government.
(3) One person representing the Legal Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government.
(4) One person representing the Construction Bureau of Taichung City Government.
(5) One person representing the Taichung City Police Department.
(6) Four persons representing experts and scholars.
(7) Ten persons representing relevant groups.

IV. The members of this Committee shall be appointed for terms of two years, and maybe appointed four consecutive terms. If there are any open positions during a term of appointment, this Government shall ask the agency or group originally recommending the member whose position is now open to recommend or assign another person; if the agency or group originally recommending the member whose position is now open fails to make a recommendation, this Government may hire or appoint a scholar or expert from a relevant animal protection group or agency to fill the position, and that person shall serve a term extending to the end of the original committee member's period of appointment. However, persons appointed to the Committee to represent an agency shall leave the Committee if they leave their jobs.
   With regard to the externally-hired personnel in the various subparagraphs of Article 3, if the original recommending agency or group no longer recommends an individual, or if the original recommending agency or group does not recommend any individuals, this Government may when necessary hire an animal protection agency or group member, scholar, or expect to fill the position.

V. This Committee shall have one executive secretary, which position shall be filled on a concurrent basis by the director of the Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office ("Health Inspection Office"), and the executive secretary shall handle the Committee's staff affairs under the chairman's direction; this Committee shall also have two senior clerks, who shall be assigned by the Health Inspection Office to serve on a concurrent basis.

VI. This Committee shall meet once every six months, and may also hold interim meetings when necessary or when a majority of committee members have signed a joint request. Meeting shall be directed by the chairperson; if the chairperson cannot attend for some reason, the deputy chairperson shall direct the meeting.

VII. A majority of committee members must be present for a meeting to be held; a majority of committee members must likewise grant their approval for a resolution to be valid.

VIII. Committee members must attend meetings of this Committee in person. However, if personnel affiliated with agencies under this government and serving on the Committee on a concurrent basis cannot attend for some reason, the agency may appoint a substitute to attend.   
Experts, scholars, and members of agencies and groups may be invited to attend meetings of this Committee on a non-voting basis.

IX. Documents issued externally by this Committee shall be issued in the name of this Government.

X. When the members of this Committee encounter matters to be avoided in accordance with articles 32 or 33 of the Administrative Procedures Act in the course of handling administrative procedures, they should avoid such matters on their own initiative, and may be requested by this Government to avoid such matters if they fail to do so on their own.

XI. The positions on this Committee held by persons serving concurrently shall be unpaid.

XII. Funding needed by this Committee shall be appropriated from the Health Inspection Office's budget.

  • Data update: 2019-11-19
  • Publish Date : 2012-11-08
  • Source: Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office
  • Hit Count: 1392