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The Taichung City Animal Welfare Fund Receipt/Expenditure/Safekeeping and Utilization Measure

Fund Receipt/Expenditure/Safekeeping and Utilization Measure


Announced per Taichung City Government July 6, 2012 directive, Ref. Authorization Law and Regulation number 1010113780 

Article 1

The measure has been promulgated as per stipulations set forth under par 2, Article 11 of the Taichung City Animal Protection Self-governance Act.

Article 2

The Taichung City Animal Welfare Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) is of a specific income fund stipulated under item 5, subpar 2, par 1, Article 4 of the Budget Law, and is classified under an auxiliary unit budget, with Taichung City Government Agriculture Department as the governing agency, and Taichung City Animal Protection and Quarantine Department as the managing agency.

Article 3

The source of the fund is as follow:
I. Income derived from funding allocated and allotted by the budget procedure.
II. Income on interest earned on the fund.
III. The central government subsidies.
IV. Income derived from donations and bequeath.
V. Other forms of income.

Article 4

The fund’s usage is as follows:
I. Expenditure payout for excelling animal welfare operation.
II. Expenditure payout for operation that improves the animal adoption ratios.
III. Administrative expenditure payout required of the fund.
IV. Other animal welfare-related expenditure payout.

Article 5

The fund’s safekeeping and savings deposit shall be sought per Taichung City Treasury Self-governance Act and relevant stipulations.

Article 6

The fund’s budget compilation and execution, audit compilation and accounting matter processing shall be sought in accordance with Budget Law, Audit Law, Accounting Law, Audit Accounting Law and relevant laws and regulations.

Article 7

The fund, when concluded, shall stage reconciliation, and the remaining equity shall belong to the city treasury.

Article 8

The measure is to be implemented effective on the date of announcement.

  • Data update: 2019-11-19
  • Publish Date : 2012-11-08
  • Source: Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office
  • Hit Count: 562